Static License or Dynamic License: which is best for me?
That depends on the kind of user you are. If you are the type of user who can function with the same software, or a user that does not want to jump immediately into newest software releases and, if
you have sufficient system administrator competence available in the office to maintain and keep the installation running and healthy, the Static license may provide you with the lowest possible
cost. A disadvantage is that the license will not adapt to changing practice requirements and staffing circumstances. The Static license is an up front flat fee for a certain number of workstations,
regardless of wheather or not you actually use all of the workstations. New version upgrades are not mandatory. Support is available as needed. Another consideration is the number of providers the
system must support. Static licenses are independent of the number of providers, which means that if you are supporting a large number of providers (for instance as a billing service), you may prefer
a Static license for a lower cost.
On the other hand, if you always want to be on the leading edge of development, want to have fast access to new features and other improvements without having to wait for the "next version"
and if you do need a lot of supervision and contact with our support team, then the monthly Dynamic License is for you. Total aggregated license costs over time may be somewhat higher but the Dyanmic
License requires less up front monetary outlay and includes considerable extra development and support. An additional advantage is that the Dynamic License adapts to modifications in the practice: if
you loose or add a provider or some staff members, your monthly licensing costs will adapt immediately. New developments having been incorporated all along there is no charge for upgrades. Dynamic
licenses are always kept up to date with the latest software features.