Fully featured database integrated E-mail send and receive Format Each work station
for either internal office communication and/or internet communications (Communicate with insurance companies, vendors, etc. from within the program instead of having your valuable staff hang on the
phone for hours).
Customize able database integrated label Maker/Wizard.
All documents printed or sent electronically can be digitally stored as per your
preferences using the optional SuperReport Pro™ plug-in.
Payments are uniquely efficient in that EOB and bulk payment entries are handled
automatically. It takes one person minutes instead of hours to enter a huge Medicare or Blue Cross payment because payments are distributed to open charges automatically according to the percentage
preference set in each patients insurance profile.
All charges are policed by the program so that no charges are left
Built in marketing techniques to reduce overhead and actually make the practice
User definable "Automatic Jobs" (reports, graphs, letters, deletion routines ..etc)
can be created and customized to run whenever you want. They can be modified, created or deleted, or turned on or off at any time.
Automatic electronic (ANSI 837) or printable (CMS 1500)
insurance billing.
Automatically rebills insurance (and warns them to pay-up) at intervals designated
by you.
Automatic patient welcome letters.
Automatic appointment reminder letters.
Automatic patient reactivation letters.
Automatic referral letter generation with different letters for different types of
referrers (fully changeable at any time).
Automatic progression of patient invoices from a simple statement, to a bill,
to a collection warning and to collections as per your specifications (modifiable by you at any time).
Automatic prevention of accidental duplication.
Automatic data cleaning routines (fully modifiable by you) keep your data
Automatic spelling and data entry error correction using the optional Get it Right!
All mailable items have addresses (and return address) printed so that letters can
be folded and placed in windowed envelopes. Virtually eliminates the need for typing.
Supports long dates with dates and months where possible for easy readability.
Main-frame functionality at a personal computer cost.
Toolbar and keyboard shortcuts maximize speed and ease of use.
"On the fly" record creation.
Built in routines to eliminate errors and "database dirt" which will save the
staff hundreds of hours of work.
Custom formatted text entry inputs (date, time, capitalization, etc.) maximize
All printed or electronically sent documents can be stored digitally for easy
future reference with the optional SuperReport PRO™ plug-in..
Handles unlimited providers (doctors) in charges and appointment.
Create new providers (doctors), or delete old ones at any time.
Customizable and changeable accounts and categories.
Unique hierarchical logic brings patient information and insurance information into
patient charges for incredible office efficiency.
Data can be organized to the way you want to use and/or view it for maximum
No typing is needed for reminder letters, reactivation letters, invoices, insurance
bills, referral letters, etc.. All addresses are printed by the computer so that the letters need only to be folded and placed in a windowed envelope (a huge time saver!).
Revolutionary Total Office Autonomy (TOA) approach for maximum efficiency.
Dozens of other details and enhancements facilitate flexibility and
Autodialers available for automatic electronic Ansi 837 insurance billing.
Handles large EOB payments from insurance carriers in minutes rather than hours
with a unique hierarchical logic. Apply one large payment from Medicare (or any carrier) to hundreds of charges automatically in seconds.
Really helps staff involved in billing (this program will do their job
Medicare savvy to avoid mistakes and potential fines.
Unlimited (automatically updated!) fee schedules.
Unlimited number of Insurance Carriers.
CMS 1500 form ready.
Another insurance form can be created or customized.
Carrier information is handled in a hierarchical fashion so that new charges will
reflect the most recent patient carriers, and old charges will reflect the originally patient carriers.
Full password protection with user definable privileges.
Create or delete users and passwords at any time.
Data can be protected from deletions, changes or access on a password basis.
Built in safety features to prevent accidental deletion with automatic prevention
of "orphaned" records.
A complete "user log" of staff actions on the computer to see who did what
and when (also use this option to see who is doing most of the work).
Complete analysis on virtually any data you can think of in report and/or graph
Ultra fast full Boolean relational searches and sorts with incorporated set
Complete patient and accounting statistics anyway and anytime you want.
Infinite fully customizable and changeable reports and graphs.
Completely relational format with advanced multitasking.
Automatic user definable graphs and reports run at intervals designated by
Track any advertising, referral, (or infinite other) sources.
Customized reports and/or graph formats you create can be saved so that different
selections of data can be viewed and compared anyway you want.
Basic features:
Three hierarchical layers of insurance profiles (Carriers, Patients and
Unlimited number of Carriers in the Patient. Unlimited number of Carriers in the
Default Policies setup in Patient from Carriers defaults.
Default Claims setup in Charge from Patient profiles.
Insurance company fees schedules tracking.
Electronic claims formatting in the Ansi 837.
Transaction based Payments and Postings.
Multiple postings per Charge and Payer.
All Charges, Claims, Postings and Payments remain modifiable at all times.